
I racked what’s left of my brains, but I can’t think of anything. Does that make me abnormal? :thinking:

Parting with money probably comes the closest :laughing:


Sitting to the side of the sweet spot?



When I was a welder, back in the early 80s, I used to make 40’ radio towers. I also used to assist with installing them on hilltops or the middle of nowhere. Guy wired and strapped to the top. No issue.
I then took on a contract at the state fairground in Adelaide fixing the roller coaster and other rides.
The regs stated 4 inch double sided welds at the point of join for cross members. The contractor found a loophole that was cheaper and quicker ( a 2 inch double sided weld which when added together made 4 :roll_eyes:).
I refused to work on safety grounds and my contract was terminated.
I’ve never been able to ride a Ferris wheel, roller coaster, any other fairground ride, (or radio tower) since. I don’t trust the builder.
Is that a Phobia ?

Dont think so, seems fairly rational.

Rational aversion != phobia

I have a bit of the same thing but maybe slightly different. I dont like tall things but only when I am close to them. Pylons, trees, masts… I used to fish a stretch of the River Lea in Herts and Pylons followed the course of the river, there was one right on a bend and to get to the particularly juicy spot next to it you had to walk right underneath it. I could never do it until I was quite old- I fished there for probably 20 years- and even then I would get a bit freaked if I thought about it. One day I stayed until dark, packed up and walked out underneath it, I could hear the lines humming above and I’m ashamed to admit that after a few paces I broke out in a run, I couldn’t stand it! I sat in the car aftwards and laughed at myself. :joy:


I get that. I’m laughing at you now :rofl:

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Sounds perfectly sensible to me.

I get anxious around stabby women.

I have been punched by a women, but never stabbed. I should add that not once have I reacted to my ex-wife who was a bit of an angry person around me for some reason I know not why. :grin:

That’s the best way :+1:

Snakes. Fucking evil legless bastards.

Confined spaces. I’m OK in a lift but I can’t watch a TV program if someone’s being buried alive.

And it’s definitely not a phobia, but I am slightly creeped out by empty swimming pools.

Whatever you do, don’t watch this then

Advice appreciated.

It’s a good film, but you would need sedating afterwards :grin:

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Did you give her hi fi advice?

My sister once stuck an ordinary table fork in my arm in anger. But we were children. Not small children, though. Once she got through adolescence she seemed to develop self-control, which was a good thing as there are now guns about the house (her husband is a shooter - mostly clay pigeons and a few wildfowl - and a shooting instructor too).


A mate’s missus did that few times to him while she was depressed. He had slightly limited movement in his hand for the rest of his life.

Turning up the volume will drown out the screams.

Or you could just move the telly to another room.