
I don’t know what all the fuss is about these dangerous critters.
I grew up with quite a few, and not once, did I ever see them attack a human, unprovoked.
Snakes, spiders, scorpions, and forget the walking ones, they all run away, given the chance.

Buttons, on the other hand… vicious bastards



scorpions in Sheerness apparently


Hnnnnngghh. :rage:


haha…apostrophail phobia :smile:


Not mad keen on spiders but will do the glass / newspaper / door duties when the rest of my family wigs out on seeing one.

Snakes scare me not a jot. I captured a neighbors escaped snake from another neighbors kitchen when she hammered on my door freaking out upon discovering it. The owner was a prime cunt but I left the poor animal in a bucket with a paving slab on top outside his front door.

Actual fears are:
Milk puddings: rice pudding, semolina, custard, porridge any gloopy milky foodstuff makes me want to puke up my shoe leather, even washing up utensils used to prepare and eat them makes me gag.

Seeing / imagining someone fall over on concrete: just typing this is making my legs fade in and out of reality.

Heights: Rather more practical this one, I’m tall, fat and uncoordinated, I consider mounting a visibly bending aluminium ladder to be foolhardy.

That’s it really for things I’d actually classify as a ‘phobia’.

Custard :thinking:

Now, if it was shark infested, I would understand…:laughing:

Baked beans for me and pulses in general.
BBs make me want to puke, even the smell of someone cooking them does me.
Can’t stand the texture of pulses in my mouth. I’ve tried but just can’t eat them.

Custard skin.

That’s the best bit.


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