Pick me a 7 seater



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Volvos good value apparently, was looking myself

Nice, friend of ours had one, it did everything, they have 4 kids, a dog and two horses and towed the horse box…

So if the kids, dog and horses fit in the car, why did they need to tow the horsebox?
I’ll get me coat…


We were supposed to collect the XC90 today but it snowed and we couldn’t get there.

Quick phone Alanis Morrisette.


Brilliant :grinning:

New-to-me car collected from Scunthorpe today. Will need to go back for service and new parcel screen/shelf (both of which which they promised but hadn’t done).
Anyhow, drove fine on the way home.*
Will need to get used to the size of it, esp on tight corners.
Rear two seats will be removed and stored, but it’s a 7-seater as purchased.

  • not purchased for exciting / pleasurable driving, of course

All aboard the big blue bus!

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Christ! A vasectomy sounds a lot simpler and cheaper!

If you ever catch me buying a seven seater or an MPV, you have permission to take me out back. Old yeller style, and put a cap in my skull!

P.s. enjoy your new vehicle, im sure it’ll be a fantastic way to ferry the fruits of your loins around!

I’m pretty sure it’s for transporting @octh Daves huge walking boot and loudspeaker collection :grinning:

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I have but two, both grown and flown.
This is a result of camping this summer, and finding that my three score and douze body no longer appreciates the delights of small tents.
Hopefully will be able to stretch out in the back, on a suitably thick mattress, surrounded by bike and other crap.

Edit: and deliver large loudspeakers to new owners


That’s what my Holden did for me on my Oz tour.
Really wish I brought it home with me :cry:

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