Pizza faff with hypocrisy topping

Better still eat them then use the hearts.

Late night pizza Roma.


Evening Neapolitan


That looks remarkably similar to an excellent pizza I had in Pompei last Wednesday :+1:

I have been pondering developing a take away service focusing on regional variations rather than shit topping combinations.
More just a pipe dream than reality though.

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anchovy and pineapple with some chilli

Yeah but No.
From experience in the trade, you can have what’s on the menu not anything your twisted mind desires.
Fuck customers.


You are Dawn Summers and I claim my ÂŁ5 :grinning:

Both the above pizzas have made my tongue stiff. Very neat too, hand stretched or rolling pin?

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Get to fuck.

Pizza Roma is done on a tray so hand stretching is easy it’s just a case of getting the dough fairly rectangular then letting it rest a while in the tin before pushing it out (with fingertips) to fill the tin.
You can’t make a canotto Neapolitan with a rolling pin the edge crust just won’t appear.
So yes hand stretched. :wink:


Today - Neapolitan ruota di carro.


Perfect !

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Blowing my own trumpet, it was delicious.
I normally make canotto base (currently favoured by the best trendy Italian pizzarias)
But the old ruato di carro base is a sublime eating experience. Once sliced folding the inner point over towards the edge a few times and consumed in two bites.
Might venture across the pond tomorrow, got a craving for a Chicago Nona pie. Or a jump to the heal of Italy and do a Bari base with a rolling pin for @Ruprecht :grin:

From that post (double dutch to me), I guess you are some sort of pizza afficionado ?

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I wish, more of a life long obsessed fan.

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Seems to be working pretty darn well for you :ok_hand:

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Perseverance and practice is the key to pizza.
I have to admire the efforts on here that the ooni/uoni? Owners post.
Those ovens while great at bringing proper pizza out of the restaurant and into gardens are not easy to use, their temperature extremes, size and faff level make for hard work even for the highly skilled so our meat men should be applauded for their efforts.

Whilst on holiday, me and a fellow Ooni owner were, tonight, trying to cater for about 25 people. It is tricky trying to maintain the desired temperature with that number of pizzas going through. The thermal mass of a proper pizza oven would’ve helped. There’s also an issue if the people assembling the pizzas get too far ahead so that pizzas are sitting waiting to be cooked for too long. They get sticky & start being difficult to handle. But generally it went well although required the making of a great many dough blobs earlier in the day.


I have a friend who is a genuine pizzaiolo who told me someone had invited him to an ooni party. He unsurprisingly got given the Pizza making duty. He said it was such hard work he wanted to kill everyone there and smash the ooni to pieces.