Recipe? I did google but got a lot of conflicting stuff.
Looks like a standard dough base that you deep fry in oil, turning over as you do. The ingredients seem to be added while still hot but no oven baking happens
That looks great Wayne. I like a bit of char
Yes as @murrayjohnson said the base is stretched a little thinner and deep fried, the toppings are then added then there are two ways to finish, either into the oven just to melt the cheese or eaten with no further cooking. I prefer into the oven but both are excellent. The texture of the base is incredible.
That looks fab
It would seem you have cracked it then!
No reports of death or illness = WIN !!
This little fickle fucker!!
Will likely be death of me. How in the world of all sport do you keep the ruddy thing at temp?
I got it to 450 by literally spoonfeeding the insufferable lump of bent tin, bonafide Ooni pellets … then a second later, the cunting thing is at 300 degrees and smoking like Pat Butcher.
Faff be fucked.
Everything reeks of smoke and soot.
That flappy flap thing in the chimney can get to fuck as well. It keeps closing when you as much as think about removing the door to launch.
I’ll be taking that off next time for sure.
Shit bucket deodorisant