Pizza faff with hypocrisy topping


After a couple of Rennie.


Buy a gas one :sweat_smile:

You may be right there.

I just filled the burner with pellets, a couple of handfulls, then set it aflame with blowlamp until it was burning well. Inserted burner back into oven.

Kept checking it was burning well through the peep hole and slowly adding cupfulls of pellets as and when.

Anytime the level approached the bottom of the filler it just seemed to stalll.

‘But but its more faff…’ Which is what you wanted right? :rofl:

It’ll be a rusty sooty mess this morning, as I left the bloody thing out last night as was dark by the time I had finished messing around with it.

It was faff alright. Too much. You cant take your eye off the bastard for a second.

I only got it because you cunts kept banging on about them.

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Did find a good recipe for dough though which does give good rise and mouthfeel.

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650g strong white flour.
1 teaspoon icing sugar
2 teaspoons salt (Himalayan pink or Redcar blue)
3/4 of a packet of dried yeast.
50ml warmed milk.
325ml of warm water.
Generous slug of olive oil.

Mix together, knead. Prove for an hour and a half.

Knock back, prove again for 4 hours or more.

Divide into 6. Chill. The dough obvs.


Plumbing quants :laughing:

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I’ll give you a generous slug.


Yes it does seem too easy to choke it.

Could also do with a small electric fan set behind the burner tray, added mass beneath the stone (floor tiles?) & some extra insulation.

But the main issue does seem to be the size/(shape?) of the burner tray and the technique needed to keep it at the right level such that the heat is constantly delivered.

The upside is that, all else being equal, burning wood gives a flavour that burning gas doesn’t.


Indeed. Soot is an aftertaste that keeps giving. :slight_smile:

I’ve been getting pretty consistently good results with my Fyra, but the wood pellets do have to be topped up constantly. The pellets also sometimes get jammed in the delivery tube, which leads to a quick temp drop. To stop this, I give the delivery tube a side-to-side waggle (using the insulated finger paddle thing on the hinged lid) every time I top it up with pellets.
Also a five to ten minute gap is needed between pizzas to restore optimum temp.

What you need is the gas conversion kit, it’s brilliant.


To cheat, see “Scamorza” (Kind of a smoked Mozzarella)


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Have you used your gas powered one this year? It’d be interesting to see how hot it actually gets.

If it’s that brilliant, why did you sell yours?

I’ve had it out a few times…The main downer with mine is that it heats the stone from the underside. This is not the way to go. If you get the thing as hot as possible (400 I’m guessing is about as good as it gets) The base cooks faster than the top which is a bit of a problem as the top is wetter than the base.) Wayne’s rolling top flame and decent stone (Stones also make a difference) is the answer imho. Not sure if you could toss some mesquite in there prior to the pizza or up the back to get a little wood flavor? I’m guessing this wouldn’t work, as I thought of it.