Pizza faff with hypocrisy topping

Nice :+1:. Been doing exactly the same myself.
Poolish, I like to leave it 24hours.

Dough after 24 hours in the fridge

Split in half, one half back in the fridge for a second 24 hour ferment(for something special tomorrow) other half into balls for this evening


What’s your water, flour, yeast mix for a 24 hour ferment?

300g water
3g dry yeast
300g flour
Leave out for 1 hour then into the fridge for 23/24.

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Bravo gents, anyone perfecting the spinning?

Can’t eat the spinning pizza dough so no.


Hmmm, mixed result with mine. More practice.

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Bit heavy on the toppings. If you want to load them up like that lower the temperature (especially the stone) and cook for a bit longer, that way the toppings cook but the base doesn’t turn into carbon.

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Toppings like my daughter’s usual pick n mix piss take. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Looks tasty enough.
Toppings bring a whole new problem to pizza cooking especially veg.
A pizza with veg toppings in a big pizzeria oven will travel from a hot stone area of the oven to a cooler stone area during its cooking cycle. Not easy in a small oven. Go light, slice super fine and think about order of placement on pizza is my strategy if I do one with multiple toppings.

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I would think about browning off the onions and possibly some other stuff off first before loading up, and fresh tomatoes always lead to sogginess for me.

If you want loads of interesting veggie toppings, dump the Ooni and get supermarket pizzas that you can add loads of stuff to, and do them in the oven at 180-200.

It’s a different thing from these pizza, but it’s perfectly nice.

N.B: Corn has no place on a pizza.


I must disagree

Carry on. You’ll be Rong ™, but carry on anyway.

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As far as Pizza aphorisms go,…

‘Less is More’
Mies van der Rohe’s

As Rob said , A little longer and you might have pulled it off.


This kind of reminds me of prog.


Is that Tracey Island


Niet. Even Prog doesn’t do corn.


Just checking, are we saying Prog isn’t corny?

Yes. Cheesy maybe, but corny ? No.

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