Pork Faff Therapy/ What are you eating?

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Seasonal Nosebag to argue about



You have just made me very hungry.

Sainsburys Roasted Red Pepper and Spicy Tomato Focaccia with egg and salady stuff. Would have liked a couple of sausages but Jim has exhausted the UKs current stock :smile:


Portion control alert :stuck_out_tongue:

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Don’t worry, half the plate is eggs :wink:



I BBQ’d cauliflower steaks yesterday. Yes, I know. But they turned out to be really nice. Especially when teamed with some actual meat. In this case it was pork shoulder steaks marinated in Berber seasoning.


Just found this recipe on the BookofFaeces…

Tofu Pie
Best way to do tofu chunks, i used to hate them, is in the pressure cooker. Fry some onion, add some water, add your chunks and loads of marmite and some mustard. Bring up to the hiss and cook for ten minutes. If you need to thicken the “gravy” then do, but if you get the water volume right there’s no need. Million times better than Linda Mcartneys pies.

Then, chuck it in the bin I say :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

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Toast crimes.

Que ?

Looks like it is without butter and even if it has butter it is unsalted butter. Toast crime.

It has no butter. I like the dry texture with a breakfast.

So, I suppose that I must plead guilty. :+1:


I was feeling a bit meh this morning so Hel took me out to some local hipster café attached to the pub. We both had some lovely garlic fried mushrooms on ciabatta with a poached egg. I had a pint of Butcombe beer with it :+1:

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Yeah, whatever. Something missing here. :bacon:


Keralan style curry, made with a mix of chana dal and toor dal. Like hipster vegan food but actually tasting good.


Must try that.

Scorched some sheep parts on the barbie Friday evening - plus some portobello mushrooms slathered in garlic, olive oil and soy - ditto some peppers: scorched nicely blackened in places, and the veg/shrooms were very nearly as tasty as the meat done like that. Thank fuck for a bit of barbie weather!

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How unwell was your dog? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Keralan, not Korean [/national stereotyping]

No it looks like it was eaten by a dog and then regurgitated.

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