Porridge wankery and other vileness (was Inspiring achievements)

Dunno. My other half booked it. I am only following orders…:grin:

utter shite hole, sympathies

Thread imploding… in three… two…


This could take the whole forum down. Well, that and @TMC’s fat fingers. :weary:


My boss was raving about this the other morning


Fail on both coffee and breakfast fronts

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That looks quite tasty :blush: The coffee though…

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Mentioning the meltdown and Jon’s fat fingers time and time again is nearly as tedious as the vta joke and puns…:joy:

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I’m currently experimenting with microwave porridge… I have found a few moments grinding the oats with a pestle and mortar makes the porridge creamier and less gritty. Also cooks in 2 mins flat without exploding, just needs a wee stir. :+1::grin:

Starting with rolled oats or pinhead?

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Rolled. :rofl:

Do you grind all the oats or just a few? Is there a perfect proportion to grind so that you keep some chewiness of the chunky oats but still get the creaminess of the ground ones?

He inspects each one individually and decides if it should be ground or not, and how hard to grind. :grinning:


How on earth can you ever get coffee & porridge to arrive at the same time unless you start work on the coffee the previous lunchtime?


I think the timing’s really only critical between the coffee and the ready-to-dip pain au chocolat, no ?

Coffee shall not be corrupted by food. :man_facepalming:

Feel free to experiment, Im just chucking it out there! :grin:

Do you have a preferred oats to milk to water ratio?

2:1 liquid to oats. Currently semi-skimmed milk. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

supermarket own brand, Cravendale, milkman delivered or hand pumped?

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