Stand by for the porridge Nazis
A bit of a strenuous/dangerous way of including salt in porridge but each to their own.
Inspiring achievements > wanking into porridge
You don’t get this on mumsnet
Porridge is the devils cock snot - foul stuff second only in deviltry to milk puddings - custard, rice pudding, tapioca, etc. All are Beelzebubs bum gravy after a heavy night down at the blue oyster bar. The rancid, fetid result of marrying wholesome ingredients like eggs, rice and sugar with cow tit squeezings.
(* all in my opinion obviously which was formed from horrific school dinner abuse in the 70’s where custard was yellow water with lumps in)
Surely a spurtle is the correct implement for porridge?
Pinhead oats
Not tried, why do you like them?
Being Scottish and by virtue of that fact among the few suitably qualified to pass judgement.
Made with half water half milk, served salty.
If you fear the salt for medical reasons only then jam may be used. But not to be mentioned lest a shunning takes place .
Get all this porridge wankery to fuck.
Half a cup of Scott’s porage oats, half a cup of water and half a cup of milk - simmer and stir constantly with a wooden spoon in a pan for 5 mins. Add a bit more milk and salt when in the bowl.
No sugar / honey / fruit or any other bollocks.
Job done.
Scottish - correct about: EU membership and scenery.
Incorrect about: porridge
Still the most underrated blues player from the 60s. Amazed he wasn’t bigger
Yer maw takes it salty.
I’m quarter Scottish and it should be sugar added only
I know these things
@coco Porridge and Kippers is your ideal breakfast, right?
With mushrooms.
I am totally Scots and salt was the only thing you put on your porridge when I was young. Recently I have discovered vanilla flavoured organic oats. Yummy!
Wankery is right as porridge is the devil’s cum…
Mouthfeel. Totally different “chew” to them.
I just looked them up, it takes 30 minutes to make porridge out of them!