You can presumably interrupt making the coffee 3/4 of the way through to get the porridge going if you want to have them together.
You know what you have to do
That’s a good point. If you wanted coffee and porridge for breakfast then that’s the morning gone for starters.
Just in time to start the lunchtime coffee (ready and served about 3.30pm).
Great British productivity
You could put one of Terry’s records on while you were doing it.
Still wouldn’t get to the end of the first track.
Semolina pudding always better though.
Not tried porridge with salt and now feel I’m missing out.
Please though - treacle on yorkshire pudding, yes?
The coffee simply couldn’t be made that was strong enough.
Don’t know about microwaved porridge, I’ve never owned a microwave. From what I understand of their cooking trickery though, it would seem less than ideal for porridge.
so I thought, until I heard Scots calling it Spurtle, and then I googled it and see it is different, but apparently better
This with maple syrup.
Fuck off with your salt shite.
No you fuck off with your food that doesn’t taste of anything
Full marks for the Flahavan’s, but nil points for the Maple Syrup. Awful stuff.
I agree, porridge might just verge on the edible with some bacon and maple syrup in it, or even better, hot sauce.
Yep, especially when there is any chance of that Canuck MuckTM besmirching the sacred Flahavan’s.
Blackcurrant jam ftw.