Proud dad (/mum/grandad/uncle/whatever) moments

Fantastic, happy birthday Ellie!

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I don’t want to worry you, but in the third pic does her right leg end in a left foot ? (Maybe it always has …)


Lol! :rofl:

You really have wayyyy too much time on your hands :unamused:

Hardly !

Very weird eye for detail though (sometimes useful, sometimes not …).

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Seventeen today!


Congrats to both of them!

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Thanks Kev, I shall relay. :grin::+1:

And smiling too ! Are they really teenagers :grin: ?

By coincidence (OK, so Xmas and maybe not …) my nephew is 19 today. No pics I’m afraid, not least because he’s in the USA and just starting college.

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Is that a carefully disguised G&T masquerading as a lemonade?
Happy birthday :balloon:

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No, just lemonade, for the moment…


You have twins?

Yes and no. They are 2 of triplets.

Penny has now dropped, should have remembered. Nice to see kids their age so relaxed.

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Yes, they are happy to hang out with us still. :slightly_smiling_face:


Congrats to both! That’ll be driving lessons and cars now then. :grinning:

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I expect Ava is already driving land rovers and 3 ton trucks in that private army her school runs :grinning:


You’ll wanna start weaning them off that soon if you want your life back :smile:

What life? :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, driving lessons coming. I think they are both a bit nervous!