Radar detectors -anyone using?

I get just the opposite, speedo reading 30, speed check signs reading 27. Speedos are always optimistic IMHO, I always believe sat nav reading, set the speed limiter, sorted.


Me too. Speedo reads 22, speed check signs reading 19-20.

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Our village signs read 20 while Iā€™m showing 19 on digital dash.

The signs are calibrated locally and can be set to any scale.

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Why donā€™t you go deal with real crime! :confused:


In Oxfordshire last week all of the check signs that I went past agreed with my satnav - similarly in Devon. Generally my speedo reads 10% higher than the satnav. Iā€™m of the opinion that the signs generally read quite accurate and wholesale inaccuracies are urban myths.


I would estimate I have done 3 tickets this year. Chance of being proactive would be a fine thing indeed.

As for car speedoā€™s the tolerance is 10% over and 0% under. Each car manufacturer works within this some higher than others, electric cars for example are almost always near the top end as it makes people think they are doing 70 on the motorway when they are actually doing 63. Therefore they get more range out of the charge.

As speedos canā€™t read under you have no defence using it to get out of a ticket. You can have a car motā€™d without a speedometer if you really want.

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Two Viz Top Tips that have stuck with me through the years.

  1. Turn your sofa into a comfortable sofa bed by simply forgetting your wifeā€™s birthday.

  2. Avoid costly speeding fines and points on your license by simply driving within the speed limit.


Wassat then?

A myth whispered by the old sweats when their meds havenā€™t kicked in fully

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Like refs and comfort breaks.

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I discovered that my old Leon Cupraā€™s speedo did, displaying about 62 when the GPS speedo and the ODB readout said 70. Fortunately no tickets ever resultedā€¦

Boy racers :roll_eyes:

Different wheels/tyre size to standard? Or just shite speedo?

Pretty sure this as the ODB readout matched GPS but was different to the dial.

It may differ regionally, but around here >10mph over are notified to plod, who take action if they get 3 or more such notices. Device has to have up-to-date calibration cert / trained operator, blah blah.


Same in our village.

Hi everyone, for the avoidance of doubt, my speedo is consistently approx. 5% higher than satnav and pretty much exactly the same as the digital signs.

Not sure how you know what Iā€™m thinking but carry on.

Iā€™ve yet to own a car that didnā€™t read higher-than-actual. As already said, if anyone has one that reads under, itā€™s probably on a significantly different wheel/tyre combo.


I used to use a gps gadget that beeped annoyingly at a couple of mph over the limit.

Did help, but not perfect.

Waze is good, and my car beeps annoyingly when I am over the limit, near a line, and pretty much anything else really.

As someone who came within a whisker of a job ending ban I suggest slowing the fuck down as the best way.
Be nice if cars were fitted with a limiter that went down to 20. It is a bit too slow for some I believe. You get used to 20 eventually, but it is very easy to pop over the limit.