Reel 2 Reel - bottomless pit of faff, expense and hisssssssss

Do you have a link, please?

I use these people a lot - good to email, no language issues, PayPal and DHL delivery. There’s even an English language drop down.

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Cheap and easy is the slip on shoe, the squirty cheese, the mince tarts of life.



Perhaps and perhaps life is just too short.

Different strokes and all that.

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I’ve also done well with these people, especially for tape. Oh, and grab an editing block from them if you can

I listen to loads of 60s/70s music, I’m actually quite surprised how much 7.5ips/4track material is around.

2 track wise is just a bit of fun, expensive fun, but whatever. I like buying mystery tapes off eBay, master tapes of bagpipes ftw.

As for faff, not sure it’s really any more faff than vinyl, but the faff is part of the fun, I quite enjoy threading the tape and setting it going.

I quite fancy a B77 4 track now :grin: (and a 707 and an RS-1500 and an A80 and an MTR-12 etc etc)



I think you have to love it. There are lots of formats around but to me tape is special (maybe tape is actually what is special about vinyl). If you like the way it sounds, it’s worth it. But it’s a hobby at the end of the day - and it can still be quite a creative one.

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If you get those machines, I’d like a Tonschreiber please

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The lack of software that was of interest to me made / makes it a no goer for me.

Sounded pretty good but very limited in practical use.

I remember really struggling to get any LPs at all early this century. But then again, a small desk, a couple of mikes and a decent busker can solve software issues with a recorder. And nothing beats bouncing digital off reel to reel - as studios know.

Jazz Prog on tape oh my :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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May have been posted before and they may have some UK distribution by now

Hard to beat a large Jap drum, I admit :frowning_face:

I want the Hans Theessink tape. It’s a pity Horche House imploded.

Friend of mine has a canny few 3.3/4 pre recorded tapes for sale I will post pics later tomorrow

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Sure is. But I think there will be more. Used to think prices were crazy but in a world of mofi one step vinyl they no longer seem that out of step

I think, purely as a way of obtaining an album, the price is daft.

However they should hold value and as an object a pair of reels is a nice thing, not even taking into account the labour involved in producing them and the cost of the tape.

No different to collectors buying records worth 100s or 1000s.


Indeed :smiley:

Yeah, but Ed, you’re buying some proper shite. Bagpipes and jazz prog ffs.