Roast Potato Faff

Garlic in my case.


Both :ok_hand:


With the meat, along with garlic and lemon if chicken dinner.

The spuds go in their own tray at the top of the oven.

We struggle for potato variety over here, no Maris or similarly fluffy varieties on our shelves.

I’m gonna have to start growing my own now that I can no longer (legally) have my Mum send packages with big bags of Maris’s in em

I usually infuse my duck fat before the roast as it means no garlic/rosemary gets burnt by the big heat

Anyway, boil for 10 mins or enough to have softened the edges, any more of that rendy boil to breaking point means you actually break some. Quite what the point of that is I have no fucking idea

Anyway, duck fat at smoking, roll em in, turn down the oven to 190-200 ish and roast til golden. (not higher cos they need to cook fluffy)

Then you will never cook the perfect roast potato.

I’ve done them many a time exactly as you and other have done.

I just neither see the benefit of chucking some out cos they disintegrated (perhaps related to me having to airmail the fuckers to Copenhagen) nor can I taste (well, feel, I suppose) the diffrence in fluffyness from a light parboil + 190c to a hardboil + 220c

I’ve gone all European: I no longer have the refined British pallette for fluffy potato.

The roughing up (Most possible after ‘to breaking point’ boiling) is to enable ‘crisping’.
The ideal roast potato for me is crispy on the outside and gravy soaking fluffy on the inside with a slight onion / garlic flavor…Fuck I’m hungry now.


A post was split to a new topic: Toast faff

Today’s effort - I tend to wing it a bit, depending on time, ingredients etc. Anyway, today I had some red potatoes and I left it late to faff. I only had olive oil… Par boiled, roughed, then ten mins steaming off, olive oil with a head of garlic cut through the middle and a bunch of rosemary. 20 mins at 180 and 25 at 225 once the meat (chicken) came out. Crispy and fluffy. :+1:



Very good. :+1:


Not tried these yet but Kenji Lopez Alt is usually very reliable:


I’ve started an Instagram page dedicated to the art.


Ah, it is you! Will follow. :+1::grin:

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