Roon redux

if it ever gets released

Nuno does take his time, but things do work!

Today’s little bout of Roon fuckery is that everything is working normally… except that this iPad cannot see the Nucleus. Rebooted both, no bueno.

Phone can, laptop can, old utterly fucked iPad can too. Just this one can’t. FFS.

Check it’s on your wi-fi network correctly? Have fun sorting it out, maybe play a record? :grin:

The iPad is on the network and it’s visible to other devices and on the roster of connected devices in the router admin page. It can run the Naim app and the atrocity that is the NovaFidelity one too. The one thing that it doesn’t have in common with the older iPad is that is on some outdated iOS version. This one is bang up to date.

EDIT- even giving the iPad the IP address of the Nucleus and saying ‘Look there you twat’ has no effect.

Somebody, somewhere, is delighted that he doesn’t work in Roon support.

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If this happens to anyone else, it’s because a new iPad on latest and greatest iOS, even when restored with an old profile from iCloud, turns off the ability for the Roon app to see devices on the network because reasons. Now sorted.


Well that’s me out of the Roon loop, they did refund my subscription though so that was nice of them.

Banned for making a joke that the old name for Roon was ‘Sooloos’ is the same as how I describe my ex (although technically I got banned for calling him a jumped up little cunt)

For example, making comments about the sexual promiscuity of ones ex-wife may have been acceptable in the past (even if a bit awkward), is now worthy of “cancelation”


Sir should know that the support forum for network audio bloatware is no place for humour.


Damn, at least if you were trolling there you left other places alone.

They banned me a week ago. They’ve gone full circle-jerk.

You were correct in your summation. Danny Dulai is a jumped-up little prick.

What the fuck? I know that it is all a bit like a watered down version of the old Linn or Naim forums but I didn’t see you trolling folk there. Did you dare to blaspheme against the truth that is Roon?

A few of them who are either very influential or moderators or both and have had a massive hard-on for me for ages.

They don’t like their MQA bullshit being called-out, and their CTO Danny is a fucking wet wipe.

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You going to head over to pfm then? Looks like a nice quiet MQA thread to dip into there.

No, honestly I don’t have the energy for it. I only got involved again recently because them wankers at Tidal are removing all the PCM on the platform so if you don’t want decode MQA you have no choice but to have a 12-bit Waitrose mp3 shoved down your gob.

It was the removal of choice that wound me up.

If someone wants to contribute to Bob Stuart’s pension fund of their own free will, that’s their prerogative.


“Waitrose MP3” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Ah. I noticed that they were getting a bit miffed about that. We had a family discussion about ditching TIDAL for Qobuz recently. Two things stopped me (i) I can’t be arsed to rebuild my library (or use a service to do the job) and (ii) the kids use the TIDAL subscription more than I do.

I find the whole Roon Forum a bit weird as it seems to be 95% fanbois and 5% hating moaners with no middle ground. I guess they decided to clean house after the Roon 1.8 moanathon debacle. Seems all a bit precious to me really.

You jest but I got a formal warning for blaspheming.

On a cable thread I wrote “Christ do dealers still use those BS sales techniques”

I initially though the post was flagged for swearing (BS) but no it turned out it was blasphemy.