I do appreciate the flaw in traditional foods dissection in so far as it suggests organization and conformity which undoubtedly dulls life’s blade. It is a marvel to note how absolutely no agreement on anything is possible, quite wonderful really
Maple syrup is for pancakes and maybe, just maybe, saltier bacon if one is on holiday relaxing.
Dark muscovado is an option for porridge although there isn’t much wrong with the traditional golden syrup.
Of course the neat porridge is made with salt to begin with. I find that 1 measure of oats, 1 of water & one of milk (I use a small wine glass) makes the right amount. Warmed (under constant observation) in the microwave.
I do stop the microwave after a couple of minutes & stir but I can’t be arsed with doing it on the hob.
Maple is quite a strong taste. Not really sure why it seems to work with pancakes. Maybe the slight nuttiness? I suppose golden syrup does as well but with a different tasting outcome.