Shit broadband or rural areas

Lol, 450MHz is hardly ELF

I know, I just like the idea of rural idylls full of exploding heads. Don’t ruin this for me.



Hmm, good point. And don’t forget Bar and Block with their fine steaks and their cocaine-sprinkled completely addictive free popcorn.

My first mobile phone was nmt. It was quite large and heavy. Worked alright though.

Our new place isn’t served by Virgin, so I’ve signed up with Sky on a broadband/tv package. When I connected the Sky router today and connected my mobile, on test I could only get 22 mbps down and 23 up. :grimacing: I’ve been used to superfast Virgin fibre in London :cry:

My desktop has always been very close to the Virgin router in Ilford so I use a direct cable, but in Norfolk, my desktop will be upstairs and the router will be downstairs, so I’ll need a wifi dongle.

I’ve been looking at dongles on the net and they seem to start for under a tenner. Question: does it make any difference if you have one of those little stubby usb dongles or, given the distance, should I be thinking of one with an antenna or antennae?

I would use homeplugs @Jim. Connect one to your router and another to your PC. We have Sky Broadband. The WiFi is OK but doesn’t reach the back of the house or the girl’s bedrooms. I installed one of these on each floor:

No further problems with WiFi and the discs have been utterly maintenance-free.


Ok, but where can you buy them without having a contract with BT?

home plugs or run an network up the outside of the house

Amazon TP-Link

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or talk to Adam about his WiFi mesh thing (Ubiquity?)

I use TP-Link as well. Very good stuff.

You can buy them from BT if you want.,network-devices/11030

I have Sky Broadband. I bought the discs from Curry’s PC World. No contract necessary. I think they were £99 for 3.

That is not shit broadband,

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Brilliant, welcome to East Anglia. :slightly_smiling_face:

We regularly get speeds far worse than this. :neutral_face:

If you can wait a couple of weeks, the Worldwide patent for the Funzie multi user hub should be granted and I will be able to offer you one of these - discount available for AA members :wink:



The Norfolk Web is generally between the toes and/or fingers.


dont forget the gills for muff diving

aka Cromer Flaps

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