Shit you just learned (probably from the internet.)

That doesn’t negate my point about Devon :grinning:

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Devon. Monitoring Bedfordshire’s worst atrocities for everyone.

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And perfecting them. (See Pâté crimes)

The smell of the east is ripe with flags, you will always be welcome in the tent.

Just waiting for gnasher

I’ve always loved the quaintness, air quality, beaches and the excellent organic food of Luton. I know it pisses on this

One day I will get there and make sweet sweet Pâté


You should have popped in.


Plus it is where they film 24 hrs in Police Custody so a definite tourist attraction!

Lust for Luton really kicked in with the Campari ads. It has never left.

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I hear what you’re saying.

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With a nice Chianti? :thinking:

Or a big Amarone, if you read the book I recall, probly wrongly. More snobbish than Chianti.

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Shepton Mallet and “I’ll have a Babycham”.

Electric bin lorries in London, fucking made of money down here.

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Still pulled by oxen up in Barrow?


They are all leased, have you not heard of ULEZ?

Our contractor has one or two on loan, apparently, for trial. I’ve heard they work better where the houses are close together and the transfer station isn’t far away either.

70 years or more behind the good old milk float

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All food waste collections here are now done by specific electric bin lorries.

Apparently this has increased the uptake of people using food bins as they can see a separate collection. Before the food waste containers were on the side of the general waste lorries and people thought the waste was all lumped in together.
The council use and sell the resulting compost.

Our food waste is collected by a lad walking with a regular wheelie bin. The total volume is small enough that he can do quite a few streets before he has to transfer to whichever vehicle accumulates it all. I don’t know which vehicle it is because it never comes my way. Worst thing about him is that he just drops the empty caddies wherever he fancies. It’s not unusual to find several actually in the road, and every few months one of them gets run over.

Didcot’s DCs (South Oxon for the town centre and the Vale for the new developments) are routinely either very near the top or actually at the top of England’s recycling league table. At least some of the council believe this is because they’re not too picky about it. So the only sorts are ‘general’, ‘recyclable’ (paper, card, glass, cans, rigid and semi-rigid plastics) and ‘food’. You can leave ‘small electricals’ in a separate bag with the recyclables. If you pay then you can have garden waste bins too. Soft plastics, batteries and water filters go back to the supermarket. Several of the charity shops take rags and worn out shoes (they get paid a little for them).

You might recognise this song more from the two huge hits by Eminem and Jay Z that sampled it.

However, despite having this album for decades, I’ve only just found out that the guitar and bass were played by Chas & Dave.

Yes THE Chas & Dave - bloody brilliant. :grinning: