Annoying! Been there. Not sure how the cable sceptics deal with these cases either…
Hopefully with logic and intelligence to understand that HDMI is also a protocol that needs a certain amount of bandwidth and data signals to work correctly.
Unlike interconnect, power and speaker cables which have very basic and simply met requirements.
For the 1% who actually understand what matters, what does not, and why.
For the 99% of Herpaderps it’s just another conspiracy by The Man to make The Shiny Things too expensive…
Jon resets the clock by nuking the forum every few years so we all become the new guys
A few of us date back to the start of the 'Wam - twenty fucking years ago!
With time, comes cuntiness
Bizarrely, I was member number #13 IIRC. Just happened to be searching for a hifi forum at the time it was set up. I still remember signing up, sat at work bored one afternoon.
It’s been downhill ever since…
I miss having a focus for my resentment.
It’s all too diffuse now…
When I die,I’ve instructed my kids to do an AI version of me,so I carry on posting shit forever
Is there a ChatRIP ?
Can’t help but think that Chumpy was an early adopter or at least a beta tester
Devon… it’s like Norfolk but less normal.
Zoom in for a good rummage & google map what you find - Turns out it’s Luton.
Feck, that’s a lot of ink