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How about an Irish wheaten bread, loads have a lot of bran added and oats on top?

Ok, it’s not bad.

But not bad doesn’t equal the enjoyment I get from a freshly baked white loaf.

I’ll rely on other sources for my daily dose of fibre, white bread is waaay too good to miss out on.

I would say that meant a lunch of pine cones on toast, but that would depend on there being some trees.

Sounds delightful


Go granary or go home!


I’ll give it a go


Ancient Grains is where it’s at Daddyo.

Tastes pretty good too :+1:

When I had a stoma I was (for obvious reasons) on a low residue diet: white bread, white rice, pasta.

After the stoma reversal all things white were banished from the menu and I have to say I view white bread with a degree of distaste these days.

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I’m just going to have to accept that I really don’t like wholemeal bread so it’s back to white for me.

Also a 2lb fruit and nut cake

Strange how sometimes the top bursts open and others not. I’m sure it won’t detract from the taste!


My limited understanding is that wheat will be high in insoluble fibre but that it’s soluble fibre that is beneficial.

Today’s effort, baguettes.


Back to high(ish) hydration bread - 70%


More 70% H2O but with a longer first prove. Better oven spring too, should be a more open crumb.


Is this still the no knead recipe?

No, just a standard 700g flour 490g water plus yeast and salt. Regular kneading in the Kenwood. 75 min first prove (kitchen is ~19c) knock down, split and shape, 40 min 2nd prove then slash and 40 min in a dutch oven - 210c

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Tropical bliss :heart_eyes:

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Crusty rolls.

Should do nicely for tomorrow’s homemade chilli burger & French fries.


AKA Sloppy Joe?

No, proper beef burgers with chilli in them.