Crispy focaccia
Like beans on toast, just had some. It’s been ages.
Needs icing and a cherry
That looks really nice
Down the rabbit hole - I’m on day 4 of making my own sourdough starter.
There’s something about that stuff that just tastes wrong to me.
I’ve just polished off poached eggs on sourdough toast. Fecking lovely it was
I’ve tried but I just don’t like it.
Maybe what I had was crap though as really it seems to be very few ingredients. Never tried making it myself, maybe that’s the issue.
You’re not supposed to eat the starter…you incorporate it into a loaf
It seems to have a tough texture to me.
You might want to put your teeth back in first to be able to chew it
Pah! Who needs teeth when you’ve got perfectly good gums?
It does have a firmer mouth feel () but is more substantial and offers culinary options only dreamt of from a white loaf
I’ll stick with my wholemeal