Because nothing puts a woman in the mood like having someone having to pull pubes out of their mouth mid session
having one caught around your uvula is most uncomfortable and distracting
You should man up and put up with it, you’re not doing it for you. Well, you might be because it’s awesome, but you’re really not the object of the exercise.
A full growler is natures way of rousing a man to do battle. Pheremones are your friend
A full growler is natures ‘love crash mat’ - This is understood by right thinking men.
Any form of genital shaving is a perversion, a misguided vanity and contrary to contemporary notions, unhygienic
I take it Diane has a trimmed thatch.
Mais oui
Did that just happen?
@MGOwner should fucking know better.
To err is human.
…to be a cunt is strayan.
Ok, maybe ‘human’ was stretching things.
To arr is pirate
New tag for @Rob998 please.
Didn’t get on with Feathers when I tried them. Best for me were NOS Polsilver Lodz, closely followed by (at half the price) Polsilver Super Iridium. I bought 200 of the Super Iridiums so I’m sorted for a good while myself.
have you tried sapphire blades