
I’m very sorry to hear that. I hope we can all provide some support, comfort & good advice if needed.

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So sorry to hear that Mike

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Very sorry to read that Mike. I hope we can be of some help. Best of luck to you both at such a difficult time.

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Sorry to hear that Mike, as others have said, we’re here for you both.

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Really sorry to hear that Mike.:slightly_frowning_face:

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I’m really sorry to hear that Mike

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Best wishes.

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Sorry to hear that Mike.
Best wishes.

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Really sorry to hear that Mike - we’re all here for you both if you need us.

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Sorry to hear this Mike

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Thanks everyone. Very much appreciated.

Bugger, good luck to you both.

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Really sorry to hear that Mike. Please accept our best wishes and of course we’re all here for you both as you begin to process what this means.

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So sorry to hear that, do reach out to the group about anything.

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Best wishes Mike.

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Best wishes to both of you Mike.

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Thamks for your thoughts and best wishes all.


All the best to you both Mike

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Thinking positive thoughts to you both Mike! All the best!

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Sorry to read of this Mike. Best of luck to you both.

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