
Thanks chaps.

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Best wishes to you both, Mike.

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Sorry to hear your news Mike. You’ve certainly had a lot on your plate recently. Sending good wishes.

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Gutted to read this, words are never remotely enough . . .

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Thanks again. Yep, the last year has been quite challenging for sure.


If you need to offload at any time Mike we’re all ears and you know we’ll help in any way we can.

Sorry to read this Mike. Best wishes.

It sounds like you’ve had tough news Mike. I’m sorry to hear that.


Had my letter through after CT Scan as part of the Early Diagnoses of Lung Cancer program.

Good news is no sign of Lung Cancer
Bad news is that they flagged three other things for referral to GP

So more appointments no doubt!


Good luck Kev.

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Hopefully nothing significant :crossed_fingers:

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Not short term I don’t think, just getting old and falling apart
Past life choices have consequences.


Tell me about it. One of our local yokel friends has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, just waiting for a fuller prognosis… Four years older than me and a lifelong smoker (and still puffing away…).

Desperately hope they’ll ban the worthless fucking things soon…


Everything crossed mate.

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Good luck with it Kev.

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Good luck Kev :crossed_fingers:

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Here’s hoping it’s nothing too serious Kev :crossed_fingers:

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Good luck Kev.

I fully expect my youthful indulgences to come back to bite my arse at some point.

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All the best Kev. Nothing serious hopefully :crossed_fingers:

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There’s a few on here that fit the bill

Life is what you make it …to