
That sounds bloody positive, arse-gravy aside.


That’s great news Paul :+1:

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Top news Paul

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Second the loperamide, it’s normally available over the counter too, and works wonders (I used to suffer a lot with IBS, not had a chemo/radio treatment)

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The oncologist did mention the Loperamide and said to make sure I drink loads (not sure wine counts though) - hopefully it won’t be too bad.:crossed_fingers:
The chemo gave me chronic constipation so at least it will be a change,:wink: I actually take stool softeners at the moment .:cold_face:

Because of the location in my abdomen he did say it was impossible to avoid the bowel completely and there is a chance of bowel perforation. However the strength of the laser is much lower for lymphoma than other cancers so it is very unlikely.


More of this great news Paul.


Really positive news today. My oncologist rang me with the results of my recent MRI scans. The tumours in my liver have responded very positively to the new medication I have been on since last November. Previous to that the cancer had been progressing at a terrifying pace to the extent that a planned radiotherapy session to zap the bastards was abandoned at very short notice and an unplanned change of chemotherapy was required.

It seems that the response to the Regorafenib is sufficiently large that the radiotherapy might be a possibility this summer or early autumn. I’m hoping that a good session of radiotherapy might leave me tumour-free for the first time since 2010.

I am moderately pleased to say the very least.



Really happy for you, Omar.

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Fantastic result Olan.:crossed_fingers:

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And with a result like that I’d be going directly out to get as shitfaced as possible, given the circumstances.


Question of the day: chemo drug or ancient Assyrian?

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This is really positive news. Is this a form of chemo or a different kind of medication.

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Nice one mate :+1:

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It is a targetted cancer drug. It is a growth blocker which inhibits the signals that tell cancer cells to grow and stops cancer cells forming new blood vessels, which they need to be able to grow.


That is fucking epic, my friend :+1:
Should I book a night out in Oxford in the near future ?

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Fantastic news Ólan, great to hear :grinning:

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More of this. Great news.


I’ll pass on that to be honest. I’m just starting my week off the drugs so am not interested in booze at all. I’ll be more interested on Monday or Tuesday.


Sort out a time and we’ll paint Oxford yellow :+1:


Genuine LOL! Must get to Oxford this year. I’ll DM you if I get my arse in gear…

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