Smart shoes aka Dr Cunties Cunty shoe emporium

Black laces to match the stripes :+1:

Those are lovely.

In a rhubarb and custard sort of way.

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Shame the price changes as soon as you pick a size

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that’s a bit shit, I got the size 9 for £26 yesterday but it’s only the 7’s now.

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Excellent price.

A coupla drops of piss and bleach and you’ll be in the exhaust of @TMC for second place

Like those. A lot.

As to laces…

If you wear those outdoors, do people keep taking you to nearby care-homes assuming you’ve wandered-off?



Are those laces warning of a crime scene?

They are fucking belters :heart_eyes:

I’d keep the laces red if they were mine.


Great Video.
Not sure why it is linked with Barkers as they certainly don’t make shoes like that!

Yes :ok_hand:


Whatever you do, don’t click your heels or you might end up in Munchkinland

or even worse, Kansas!

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Or Brussels for some top notch beer and frites with mayo. :grinning:

I can no longer fit any more racks to this particular stack;

Good job, there’s a slot on the other side of the hallway…


Excited Despicable Me GIF