HEOS and the app are great. My SiL has one. To my ears it sounds no different to the Marantz MCR611 which is cheaper and has a DAB radio for backup when the Internet breaks. I don’t know whether the Marantz plays higher res MP3s. If the build quality of the Denon all-in-one is like the CEOL CD player I have, then it’ll be a well build system.
Have you heard the tp22? Is it powerful enough to drive big speakers to decent levels?
(Thinking of using 1 or 2 to drive my speakers which are 96db, as I’m DSPing the whole thing)
My new phono stage should arrive on Friday, looking forward to DSPing my vinyl, I expect it’ll sound great.
I am sceptical about those amps mind. I’m after a couple of small powerfull monoblocks that can sit behind on ontop of my speakers. Or a decent valve amp, I only need 1 input.
The AN kit 1 I had a few years ago would be ideal, wish I hadn’t sold it.
Buy him a copy of What Hifi. Point him towards a forum that you used to own, but really fucking stupidly sold to the greatest cockwomble on tinternets (yes more than you or I). You will have started him off on his journey then.
Two months down the line ask him what cables he is using. Maybe later discuss fuses. He will admire you for it. Or summat.