Tales from Uh-merica

Only 9 posts too late :roll_eyes:

A more cheerful one, for a change:

Great song and performance :heart_eyes:

For fucks sake.



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FFS :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Nothing new really.
Wermacht belt buckle


So how was the states?

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Obviously this bothers me with my parents living there. But I do hope we aren’t follow their lead :slightly_frowning_face:

Meanwhile in…


Them fuckin’ belms will consider literally anything but deal with the cause. yay Darwinism.

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Only in fucking America… 🤦🤦🤦🤦

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We had one school shooting in Britain, and we pretty much banned guns. No school shootings since. America has had almost 300 just in this century, and their answer is to make kids bulletproof. :roll_eyes:


That’s Russia, it’s common practice for Orthodox priests to bless the weapons of military units.
The picture further up thread is American priests blessing hunting rifles at the opening of deer season.
There are no mainstream American churches that bless assault weapons or handguns

I’m sure I read 2020 saw the only school shooting free month in the US for years.

Was it because the schools were closed due to covid?

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Kids had to wear masks, but were still allowed to take assault rifles into school. Anyhting else would be un-constitutional.


The Church (any church) is always on the side of the cunts in power.
They always know which side their bread is buttered

Wehrmacht WW2 belt buckle