The all-new shiny cockpunch thread

I should say I only found out after sticking £70 worth of super unleaded in porky…

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Was John Lewis one of The Four Tops?




How did you manage to get it to the petrol station?

CP to all those with their bloody fog lights on again this morning, yeah like you really need them in a light mist…twats.


Lawmakers in Turkey need more than just a good kick to the swingers for this.


Turkey… A beautiful country, lovely people but an uber cunt for a leader

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It is also sliding back towards being an economic basket case. The fact that there was a rigidly secular regime there for the last 50 years helps. The most worrying thing for me after the autocratic rule is the rise of religion in government policymaking to a central role. It is all very worrying.


Exhibit A: Uh-merica.

Turkey is a seriously concerning shit-hole at the moment, and has been for a few years.

Yep, its potential to turn into Iran-on-our-doorstep is high. Damn shame the right-wing factions within the EU always vetoed its inclusion, could have damped-off a lot of present and future grief.
The inevitable collapse of NATO will be the final nail in that coffin I suspect…

If NATO does go then a new Ottoman empire could be on it’s way across the Hellespont

But but but it was Turkey’s fault that we left the EU.
All their immigrants were going to come over here and steal our fish, and take all our jobs while claiming benefits and costing the NHS a fortune.

Boris said so.

Boris says lots of this, some of them are even true*

*not many, admittedly.

The complete fuckbandits in their cars parked outside the kids school at pick-up time with the engines running for several minutes at a time. It’s not fekkin’ Siberia, you will probably not get hypothermia if you switch off you complete oxygen drains… Bad enough anyway, but outside a primary school should be met with the car being seized & crushed.


Get the school to send all the parents an email linking to this asking them to lobby their MP to help protect their children.

Some might work it out :smile:


I agree, worth mentioning to the school.

I walk the dogs when mid-PM school-run is underway: the overwhelming majority of dangerously speeding (>60mph in a single-vehicle width 40 zone with no pavements and blind bends) cars are all one-young-woman-in-a-2-tonne-German-SUV, in a tearing hurry to go and sit outside the school gates with her car’s massive engine pumping its filth directly into the lungs of its precious loinfruit.

I hate these entitled braindead cunts with a searing passion.


Where I used to live the School run for most 90% was less than 1/4 mile they were happy to clog up the school area and increase accident risk massively.

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