The all-new shiny cockpunch thread

I’ve now been on hold for 46 minutes :rage:
I spoke to them when I submitted my "final"return, paid what I owed and was assured that I would not have to submit anymore paperwork, CUNTZ.
I have tried their so called “help” line chat, fucking useless.

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Thanks Greg.

Yes, on the odd occasion over the years that I’ve needed to contact them directly, it was always an extremely fucking frustrating experience :worried:

Get an accountant to file it for you, think mine charges me around £35 for completing and filing the SA form.

My accountant retired 5 years ago. I just got through after 75 minutes to be told that I need to write a letter, fucking morons.


Just got through after an hour and a quarter, the Muppet told me he couldn’t help me as there was a delay on the call and I need to write a letter :rage::rage::rage::rage:

That’s a long time to wait at £1.90/min

It’s only money :money_mouth_face:

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After trawling the website for about an hour I found a form to appeal against a penalty, we shall see what if anything happens.

Their ‘business model’ is to make everything you MUST do as difficult as possible and then fine you at every turn, plus cause you to wait HOURS on their expensive “Help” lines - which absolutely never help.

This is the same business model as banks, insurance co’s, utilities co’s, local councils, and indeed anything passing itself off as any kind of a “service provider”.

It’s end-game capitalism - make huge profits, and then turn your laziness, incompetence and inefficiency into further profit by punishing customers for using you…

AFAIK it isn’t a premium number, I was just pulling JB’s leg

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Bet you cash money it is :ok_hand:

0300 200 3300


Free on most mobile contracts



Why the fuck would anybody think they needed a garden blower up here?

Getting things to stay in the garden is the challenge, not trying to get them out.


Maybe they didn’t buy it. It blew over from the mainland.


I guess they have just realised this.

Merkin fluffer fallen out of use at Funzie’s ‘Guilty Pleasures’ night spot?


Doubt it.

They only employ girls with a full-on growler.

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