The Milk Float Thread

That might work out - I will look cheers

It’s all about making it work for you. 185 miles is the edge of my car’s range, so at speed (range decreases as you drive faster), it won’t make it in one go. But 20 minutes of charging and you should be fine, so break the journey for a coffee or whatever. You would need to charge at the other end, can you plug it in overnight? The alternative will be an hour at a fast charger, so lunch somewhere?

I cannot easily plug in at the other end at the moment well not where an overnight charge will get me 3/4 of the way home the next day.

Research of 17,500 AA members found that over 60% would be more inclined to buy an EV if the sales tax was scrapped. More than a quarter (28%) of low income households said removing VAT would be very influential in helping them switch.

Apparently, research has found that people would be more likely to buy if they were suddenly 20% cheaper. Remarkable.


I thought the battery life rubbish had been put to bed. There are hybrids out there over 10 years old with 100k+ miles on them with batteries that are still performing over 90%. I own one. I know people with electric cars approaching 200k miles that again have 90%+ battery health.
There may be a public opinion problem but it is just that not an actual one. Still it does mean I’ll be able to pick up a nice Tesla model 3 in 5 years time for a pittance when people hand them back because they are upside down on their PCP.
As for the charging infrastructure. I have off road parking so I’m golden.

They already are the only vehicles that still qualify for the £3.5k grant, plug-in hybrids don’t (they need to do 70 miles on electric). Stupid article.


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If elephants were free I’d have one. Running costs be damned.


Where would you park it?


I read that in this voice.


I really like the look of the Honda E
Tiny boot, but cameras instead of wing mirrors, tiny turning circle and looks fun.


No, it looks shit :+1:

Just for you

Looks shit too :+1:

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I like it too. I’m not sure if it has the legs to be truly useful in Europe but it pleases me aesthetically.

This on the other hand;

The asymmetric wheels of the electric MINI really annoy me. I don’t understand why it has a bonnet scoop either.

Awesome dude :+1:

Speed holes.


I’m looking forward to driving one of these. :heart_eyes: