The Monarchy (now mostly about money)

Today, thousands of people will line the streets for when he officially takes over.

He’s waited patiently enough years for this moment. Tears will be shed.

It’ll certainly be an emotional moment for him and his family, with millions watching on TV from around the globe.

Good luck Sam Allardyce.


For a 15 year old that’s quite a sharp observation :+1:. But as she grows up you might want to explain that, as with so very many things, it’s a bit more complicated than that.



Seems that there must of been a u turn over the last 48 hours

Telly mentioned they had straps and padlocks in their van. Not just placards. Conspicuously missing from that report.
Might have been a preemptive strike…
Often, some advance knowledge that will never be shared, too.

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From what I’ve read,the straps were around the placard. Who knows

They will be looked after and released when it’s over.
They will also get more publicity for this, so it might even be they wanted it.

Just a thought on all of this.

If you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch. You don’t live in North Korea, you don’t have to tug your forelock.

And those who do care about such things don’t have to pay any attention to those whinging and moaning.

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Indeed,but hardly the point.
Pretty sure they weren’t about to strap up Charles and camilla,and throw them in the lorry.

Makes it quite hard for the uk to have the moral high ground when other countries clamp down on not letting people demo with placards though.

They should of just let them have a few hours demo though.


There’s loads of people demonstrating who have been given air time and a voice.

Placards all over. Don’t confuse this with interference with a right of assembly and free speech censorship.
Those in charge of welfare don’t want random people chained to the route.

Thanks, she’s always trying to get more impressions of our ‘grown up’ world.

Yesterday an MEP visited her school to tell about politics and Europe.
She came to the conclusion that politics is very inefficient, takes too much time and probably not for her.
When she asked, what is the most difficult thing in your job, she was disappointed when the answer came: feeling home sick. :slight_smile:

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Yay pre-crime. :face_with_monocle:

I wonder where that could lead. :roll_eyes:


It’s real, you know. Just a secret.


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Back to The Theft Act 1968 ?

You don’t find it troubling that people can be arrested for something get haven’t done yet?

I know the police have a difficult job, but this authoritarian shit really doesn’t help their image.

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Going equipped has been a law for some time now, it’s not a new thing.

But these were probably done with the new locking on law I would guess :person_shrugging:

Pretty sure that isn’t remotely comparable.

Post crime arrest is failure in some respects.

Most of the good work is done in stopping things happen.

It really isn’t that simple. The arrests looked quite passive to me and no one was arguing. They all got their five minutes of fame.
Score draw.

Not directly comparing, it was just in response to your first sentence

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Has ever been thus.