Hold my beer
Fucking bang on. Love this.
Did it work?
Mr “Free Speech” rides again…
Imagine wanting a nazi echo chamber
Serious mental illness territory
If only we had know that a white South African, born into money and privilege, might turn out to be a little bit racist and right wing.
Shock horror!
He’s 100% everything people rightly assumed he would be. Although, somehow worse
Drugs. Ket & dope & fuck-knows what else…
Sincerely hope it causes him to throm-out soonest
Although fact check exposed this screen shot to be a fake. So we as the “better” people, need to not get caught up in misinformation.
Musk didn’t actually say this
So what, they’re the experts in producing (and declaring) fake news. For once they might have a genuine case, yippee.
The gist of my post still stands.
Not sure what the twinks did to get thrown in with that lot!
I normally roll my eyes at American’s love for acronyms, but this is a beaut…
A Democratic House member is introducing the ELON MUSK Act, which stands for “Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy.” The bill would prohibit Special Government Employees like Elon Musk from having federal contracts. TechCrunch has more here.
Twink is an unusual designation for fat lads in big shorts.
Part of me wonders if Tesla are going to turn up to the Fully Charged shows here, most of the attendees are of the vegan hair shirt variety of eco tech enthusiasts and not the incel tech bros so I can imagine them not being well received.