The shit that does merit its own thread

I Hair Myself…

I honestly thought it was gonna be some kind of “Blinding Me With Science” pisstake promo for his tour, but sadly not! :disappointed_relieved:

For you Sweeney Fans:

Incidentally, before I leave, I would like to got to a pub which featured in this fine series; it has a distinctive ornate frontage. A beautiful looking building!


No idea why,but dozens of people dressed up as golfers and caddy’s in Plymouth.

Thought it was wacky students at first,but some are in there 60s and 70s carrying blow up golf clubs. Weird

Is that Rooney in the T shirt?

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That’s going to be fucked by rubble let alone a bullet.

No lateral movement on hind legs, how’s it gonna have a pee, the Chinese are not that clever are they.

Top bloke.


Dim doesn’t even come close


He looks quite shocked when the judge points out his “error” :rofl::rofl::rofl:


All the dim!!

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I’m guessing this is a thing and not a service

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I now want a ‘fiddle muff’, but am a mite nervous about googling what it actually is… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Probably similar to cutting the pockets out of your jeans :eggplant:


Says he, for the first time ever :grinning:

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Modern grumble terrifies me - it’s like a dead-eyed three-way cross between an anatomical dissection, a police ‘wanted’ poster, and a fourth-rate tattoo-parlour’s design book! :grimacing: I like my fapfodder matured like a fine wine - if it isn’t hirsute, vaseline-lensed, and found under a hedge in 1974, it ain’t happening! :open_mouth:

Meanwhile in Pickering:

And we return to this on the main road by our house.

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