The shit that does merit its own thread

…Just over the road from the office. At £120 we could hire the dungeon for a bake off? To be fair the high st is somewhat scabby these days, a bit more SP25?

When I did my apprenticeship many moons ago we had to learn how to lace cables using waxed string. Much of the army comms kit still had laced cable looms well into the late 90’s

A zip tie that hasn’t been cut back flush is a fucking nightmare, stick your hand in the back of a cabinet and you can end up with a really horrendous deep cut/slice.


Yes had a few cable tie cuts over the years, although also a few off poor quality cabinets/tray work. I used to use tensioner cutter back when I worked in data centres, data racks when cutting cable ties.

Just turned up for my lunch break

No bastard in


A pity, you look desperate for a bit of strict discipline.

Looking back over 15 years of Streetview it seems mostly to have been a coffee shop (under various owners) Shame the most recent CBD & coffee venture seems to have failed.

‘Assuming assumptions’ etc

Thought Stu had already ticked that one off!

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The futuristic system would offer new hope to patients suffering from … neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

He said: "Every step of the BrainBridge concept has been carefully thought out … "

Not very carefully, I fear.

See Mary Shelley. Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Just because they liked their laudanum, doesn’t mean they didn’t know a thing or two.

I fear this lot haven’t read any books. They might have watched a movie or two though

Walk this way. It’s like watching toddlers approach an old school electric fire. I love the tech bro immortality schtick. “If I refrain from the pleasures of the flesh, eat boring food and receive blood plasma from my younger relatives, will I live forever?” “No, but it’ll seem like it.” I paraphrase.

Enough time to thaw out Walt Disney’s head then.

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lol, have a read up on the fella heading this up. I’ll happily take a bet on this being utter bollocks that will undoubtedly increase his soshial meeja following.

I just thought is was an amusing piece of science-fiction. It reminded me of Futurama.


We know you’re bright enough not to have taken it at face value :ok_hand:

Just giving us a heads-up?

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One for the baldy massive.
Seems you can buy a kit,just need a willing contestant for lopwell.

Thinking about it,going home with a full head of hair from lopwell would be a great raffle prize

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Fuckin hell he loves the sound of his own voice.

Thought it was going to be some magic medicine or surgery but no “the unit” is just a syrup.

A syrup that looks fucking awful at that.