The shit that does merit its own thread

How to ensure your expensive tech definitely gets to its destination…

1: Pack well using good quality materials.
2: Don’t give any clues as to the contents.
3: Use a tracked and insured service.





Had exactly that happen - except my stuff was left on the front lawn for anyone to help themselves to.

…and it was her that had been shagging-around…

…AAAAND it was still the biggest favour she ever did me…


Back on topic: big thanks to the fox that left an absolutely stinking jobby smack in the middle of the Michaelmas daisies :nauseated_face:

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Royal Mail huh?

Irony. :grinning:

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Ever fancied adding reverb without the expense?
Just screw some of the sofa springs over your speakers


Just realised my tonearm is missing a couple of bits.
I’ve only had it 4 years,so hardly surprising I haven’t noticed til now


That’s absolutely fascinating! Some cool sounds! :sunglasses:

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Here is angry Irish lad again. Becoming a firm favourite


…follow me, I’m delicious…:laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Best laugh I’m gonna have today.

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He is bloody hilarious and also a touring musician

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This place is excellent; some familiar faces. I’d first visited at a time of great difficulty and the warm friendly welcome- and seemingly endless supply of tea- was much appreciated.

Also had a ride out on that Fire Appliance.

It has gone one to be something of a success!

Some gifts from the People of Leyland:


Well if you work for a cunt-oration like PwC this then this is kinda what you should expect.

The ex head of cyber at PwC left and set up his own pen testing / security company I used to do some contract work for and he told me some shocking stuff about how they “monitor” their staff.

Having dealt with them I’m amazed they actually make any money or have any returning customers. The civil service seem to love them, the agency I worked for brought them in to consult on a tech strategy and the recommendations they made were just truly bizarre. They provided two consultants who spent 6 months information gathering and the final bill for them + report was just under £1million

They recommended that we migrate the 999 system over to Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp Business (what made this even more bizarre was that MCA used iPhones which didn’t support WhatsApp business at the time)

There’s a few companies that I truly despise and they are near the top of the list.

All the big four rely on who they know and who is on their board to get these ridiculous contracts which bear no relation in price charged to the actual work required to do them, and that’s before you get to the bit where you look at the quality of the outputs.

Every big four company partner level and above that I had the misfortune to meet was either a grade A sociopath or suffered from some degree of toxic personality disorder.


I think that’s because those are the personality traits needed to get to partner in the first place.

I worked with lots of the big 6/5/4 consultancies over the years. I kept wishing that once, just once, they’d look at a department/process/system and conclude “actually that’s pretty good and working well - we recommend you leave it as it is”.

True to a point.

Full disclosure, I got offered a partner position (from the outside) on three separate occasions.