The shit that does merit its own thread

He should deffo be in the Cockpunching thread :-1:

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One of the downsides/upsides to the 70s was that you had to use your imagination more


@crimsondonkey I know you like these pusscats. This is brilliant news. More progress needed of course, but this is still a positive development:


Things I will never do: play Wordle knock offs on LinkedIn.

Things I will never do: play Wordle


My ex used to use re-usable cloth wipes, which of course then needed cleaning afterwards. Absolutely grim as fuck.

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I use a swan’s neck. The swan is not particularly pleased about this.


No swan wants to be that colour for the ballet

You’d think they’d be accustomed to being up to their beaks in human shit by now…

My kid brothers - 10 and 12 years younger than me - went from birth to toilet-trained in terry-towel nappies.They (the nappies) needed cleaning afterwards too, the first stage of which involved swilling them in the loo while you flushed it, holding them by one corner. You get used to it after the first few …

We did re-usable nappies too. For some reason that felt different.

Likewise. I suspect parenthood (or pet ownership) slightly changes your relationship to some bodily fluids.

Not in my case. The whole process was an inevitable requirement but no less grim for that.

Sad I know, but this is fascinating stuff. Quite surprised by the use of asbestos above a railway tunnel!

Well, hello there…

Just needs a top hat.


Fucking right too!

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At rush hour, that element just south of the Clyde where 3 (since the southern by pass was built) motorways plus the odd A road merge must form the widest traffic jam in the UK. I lost count of the number of lanes, has to be 20 or so.

Googled it, 16 lanes plus a few hard shoulders.

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Been stuck there more times than I care to remember. The worst spot is the two lane sections between Glasgow and Edinburgh though. If there is any sort of accident a sub one hour journey between the cities can easily turn in to two or three.
Fun fact, well maybe not fun, there is an unusually straight and level section of the M8 near Renfrew which used to be the runway for Renfrew airport which was superseded as our main airport by Glasgow International only a couple of km away.


I see that the Church of England are asking the public for nominations for the next Archbishop of Canterbury. I’ve suggested either Gregg Wallace or Gino D’Acampo as neither have much on in the short term. But who else could take it on? Allardyce? He’d keep them up.

Otherwise maybe Elon Musk or perhaps an AI archbishop to keep the church rooted in the 21st century. AI might at least reduce how much despicable behaviour gets covered up.