The shit that doesn't merit its own thread (the resurrection)

Is it bad for dogs to watch you tube?

They’re not watching pussies are they Stu ?


Is this all we have to look forward to…

Jesus in a dog’s arse…


Presumably he’s going to have his asthma medication injected into his arms rather than his legs, and suffer an episode right before the event in summer 2020 :thinking:

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No swearing! :scream:

Actually the bit that describes Humphrey Smith is pertainant

he habitually dresses up as a tramp and poses as a customer to make sure his rules are being enforced

He is clearly one of the mods on here. Fucking wankpuffin.


Did i win the Lego competition?

It was your blatantly provocative Lego that got the thread pulled.

Well done! :thumbsup:

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It’s hidden while they decide the winner I think

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Snap :rofl::rofl:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Yet another thread for the purposes of awarding a cockpunch