The slow build of an LCR Phono Stage

I hoard pcbs, most will never get built but if you don’t pick them up when you can you never will.

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It’s all about Owning All The Things.

The man in the graveyard with The Most Things wins :+1: :checkered_flag:


Being the younger friend of these type of men is the thing!


Nuh-uh, never works like that - when the fambly vulture flock arrives, the Estate is stripped bare…

This is why All The Shiny will be buried with me, and my funeral conducted by strangers paid to keep the vultures at bay.

I wish this wasn’t a true story, but…

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True lol

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…and never for a moment imagine that wills are ever actually enforced… . . .

I take it you’re getting on more quickly with one of these than Bob is with the phono stage

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They’ll never fit his speakers in there. It’s too small.

Being Lincs, I’m having to dig the clay and fire the bricks too…


…still be finished before Rabski’s amps…

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Is that why some people buy Shahinans?

More likely.

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Boring, one of our locals has already done that. Legend has it “Mad” Jack Fuller is sat on his throne in there.


I thinks that is over 12 years and counting

Neptunian years I take it?

There was mention on the wam that they had been built. Don’t think it went well are there was also mention of needing to rebuild. As well as mention of doing strange things with a Mr Liang 845.

I suspect there has been little fanfare due to the not really working wellyiness of the amps.


Giz a minute. Fixing things.

Quick search brought this. Seems the thing I am trying to fix is fucking fucked. Little fucker.

That seems like a different thing. He was going to build replicas of @Kevin’s amps - I sent him schematics, etc and he was collecting parts. Guess he didn’t bother!

If you read down he does mention his 300b amp. After the waffling on about 845.