…or a salad bowl with a lid that doesn’t fit
As if you know what one of those looks like Jim
I was thinking more potters wheel
Cheeky fecker - I’ve consumed so much green this last couple of months, it’s a wonder I haven’t grown floppy ears and a fluffy tail…
I have to admit though, the additional fibre consumption has really helped with the farmers
Odd one I hadn’t seen previously.
Odd one I hadn’t seen previously.
Presumably it had its cloaking device on to avoid Federation starships.
Do you throw it and it comes back?
I quite like that.
Me too, apart from the stripes. Quite minimalist.
It’s fucking hideous, fix your eyes!
I’d rather have this to that monstrosity.
How is your t/t coming along?
How is your t/t coming along?
Shush, don’t tell them!
The amount you eat, it will have helped The Farmers.