Hella neat setup Right There
Arrived today - an el cheapo Pioneer PL112D which will allow me to switch between my not so perfect vinyl & mono stuff
All thanks to the West Sussex massive - TT from Robbie once of the ‘Wam parish and Adam Billingham of Audio suspension both Hove-ish and good chaps. Adam did me a bespoke shelf for the Inspire, reasonable price too.
Worth a look
Jeez, that’s horrible
No doubt Dave will love it
The turntables on this thread are mostly awful, it’s not hard to make a great sounding deck that’s nice to look at.
I have never liked the look of the Voyd, it looks clumsy and ugly to me. The Pink is great though.
Have to agree about the looks - sound nice though, so I could overlook the fugly.
Indeed, although I like the look of the Voyd (and the PTA)
I can live with the looks of the Voyd, considering its SQ. Also, compared to the giant love egg or the tripods of brass and aluminium it’s feckin lovely.
I’m not listening to a lot of vinyl so but rather get rid I was thinking of getting a cheap PT, what is the pecking order for them, the ones I know of are
PT Too
Anni, all day long
depends what you think ‘cheap’ is
The anni would be a huge upgrade over the origin live and more than double what I paid for it so bit of a non starter.
I was thinking of a PT1 but not sure if the Too or export is better?
Anni, then the original PT, then PT Too/ export ( essentially the same except the too had its PS in a seoerate box, it is in the plinth in the export) then the LPT. As much as I love Pink Triangle decks, there are some old dogs out there for silly money.
The Funk Firm LSD is very good.
There’s a PT1 on pfm for £695 I was thinking about making an offer on, is that over priced? It has a rega fitting so I’m hoping the PU7 would be a good match.
Really depends on when it was made, the original PT saw a few component changes during its lifespan. I wouldn’t pay that for it. If it is a late model in mint condition and it is what you want it could be worth a cheeky offer.