Today I have mainly been V2.0

Dunno. I nicked the photo out of the Architecture thread.

We had very similar in our old house. Lasted 2 weeks before a carpet runner was hastily added to prevent accident or death.


Yup. Shiny stairs sounds like a ridiculous idea to me.

We always planned for a runner for ours, but the time between preparation and carpet installation was rather dangerous, especially if you walk about the house in socks only. That said, our stairs are fairly steep - if you have very broad ones then it might be OK.

Also bloody noisy


We where very much considering a wood/laminate type floor in our living room, due to cats and dog etc. but having lived with the tiles on the concrete floor (the carpet was taken up in readiness) we decided to go with carpet again :man_facepalming: for noise/acoustics and warmth etc. reasons.

Not necessarily. There are non-slip clear wood laquer products available, such as those used on commercial sports floors. I think they are water based urethane :thinking: something like this:

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The Copenhagen one doesn’t have any steps. You really could take a horse & cart up it.

The stone one is at Chateau de La Rochefoucauld based on a design by Leonardo Da Vinci.


Trying to work out how much it’s going to cost to sort the next house we are looking at buying.

That’s the badger!

I thought the stairs might be a bit bumpy in a car :smile:

17 posts were split to a new topic: Financial & Investments squawkery

pondering what use this could be


Revisiting this morning’s breakfast and yesterday’s pizza courtesy of a bug from KettleJnr’s nursery, all while 2 hours drive from home. The joys of parenthood…

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Hooking up a quad 33/303 to my speakers.

It goes from nothing to loud pretty quick
Will 10db attenuators help much?

I’ve got some 20db rothwells if it helps

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Thanks John
Will give these a go tomorrow,I did have some adjustable one that went up to 30db,but can’t find them

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Went on a walk from Stourport to Bewdley, up to the top of the hill for a meal at the Hopole and then walk home. 10 mile round trip so might have walked some of it off!


Night walking ? I confess I’m a bit wary of that, depending on the terrain - I turned my ankle pretty seriously in a rabbit hole (I think) a few years ago in a field in the dark. But at times it can be beautiful in a way that daylight never is. Last winter we had a bit of snow and walking over that in bright moonlight was breathtaking. On another occasion I walked along a country road that sees hardly any traffic. The night sky was as dark as it ever is around here and clear too. I had to stop and just look at the stars.