Today I have mainly been V2.0

Yeah :face_vomiting:

You aren’t the troll, brother.

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So it is!

I know, but it was a very shallow but satisfying process of unravelling his rhetoric and making him look the twat he has always been.

Anyway I can’t say anymore I’ve got some pen pushing to do.


That’s for sure he is, now flex that pen!

one of the most objectionable people you may ever hope to meet online…

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I suggest some training for ambidextrousity then you could push two pens at once. If you stuck a third up your arse and a 4th in your mouth you might be breaking records!

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Merely a diversion from constructing an argument to a large corporate client that we have been offered a contract with, that my company does not need a GPO under GDPR.

Its not going well…

funnily enough I spent a couple of hours yesterday on an Ethics Committee talk with REC members about consent, GDPR and research studies using public interest as the lawful basis for processing.

My argument is that our activities fall outside the scope of GDPR -

A DPO is not required if:

  • personal information is not processed at all
  • personal data is only processed on a small scale
  • the main activities of the organisation rarely involve monitoring data subjects.

But massive global corporation can’t seem to do the simple mental process to understand what I’m telling them and why?

Because they have all had thousands of emails telling them slightly different things about it from people & organisations that don’t understand it either.

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nah ill trained muppets now trotting out GDPR for an excuse for any old shit, bit like “for Data Protection purposes”
my response “really I am an expert in that area, what section of the act are you referring to so I can understand your request?”
all for shits and giggles obviously :grin:

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Trying to interview a heavily-accented candidate several thousands of miles away over a terrible connection with a three second delay.

Fucks sake.

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Sorting through Prog vinyl to take to Maureen’s place :smirk:


Try the phone instead of Skype?

Lucky Maureen :grin:

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Tried both. Both awful.

Southampton to visit my daughter at Uni. Popped into the SeaCity museum which was very good especially the Titanic exhibition.


My youngest once sprang Plymouth Uni as an option on me, he went to Liverpool in the end, 35 mins as opposed to 5 - 6 hours. Let me think. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…pleased with how the work on the house is coming on. We will be finished the top floor today so can move the kids back in tomorrow. The floors are just a topcoat away from being finished

Another bathroom is about done so we are 50% there now.