Today I have mainly been V2.0

If you can’t be bothered to actually meet demand then one alternative is to make the product you’re responsible for so much worse than it previously was that the demand shrinks to match your feeble capacity. This seems to be the rationale for smart motorways (which are ‘smart’ in the same sense that having birdshit fall on you is ‘lucky’).



Christ, the view from the tower has changed in the last two years !


That’s the marina in Stourport, you must have just seen me jogging past :slightly_smiling_face:


I spent yesterday in Rugby.
Never been therefore before, another example of a decimated town centre with a lot of shops closed.
On my walk back to the car park I did notice a second hand record shop above a bookshop.

So in a small way I added to the town’s economy.

I’m afraid I have audiophile constipation, I am unable to pass a record shop.


Today I have mainly been having manflu.

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That was very cruel of Jim. Having said that, this was probably the wrong place to come if you were looking for sympathy…


Just ordered the Mrs a 49 squid L’Occitane advent calendar…she loves L’Occitane

Good books here I come…:smiley:


Have you had Santa’s little elves beavering away making you one in your workshop? :santa:

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Spotted a large bit of tree trunk 5 miles from home. Drove home dropped the mrs off, returned to load the bit of wood in truck, Found it too heavy to manhandle onto truck. Drove home to pick up chainsaw, Drove back but had forgotten chainsaw battery. Drove home again picked up battery and returned to trunk - This time was able to cut wood into two and load on lorry. Finally success.


What hifi upgrade are you angling for?

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I’ve just ordered Hel the John Lewis Beauty Advent calendar - thanks for the prompt :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Driving to Chippenham and back in torrential rain


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Mrs K is a L’Occitane fan-girl. Luckily one of her best friends bought her the Advent calendar for her birthday last weekend.


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moved out of a beautiful quiet holiday cottage in the cotswolds which i am staying in to care for someone , beautiful village and missing it a lot , never realised bedon hill was so beautiful

doing the annual creating a calendars thing and photobook thing………on Photobox

Out for dinner, followed by seeing Sarah Pascoe do stand-up (very funny).

They give a huge amount of pleasue