Today I have mainly been V2.0

I collected Jackie from MCR airport today. The MCR was a river populated by lunatics doing 90 in walls of spray. We had to use the ShatNav as you couldn’t see the junction signs for the spray from the truckers doing warp factor 9.



No time for retirement, too many things to enjoy!

The trip South was worth it for Settle alone. I’ll be doing it again next year :+1:


And that mate, is pure gold. Many of us are more than a wee bit envious.

The case grows stronger for a Forum helicopter


I’m in. We have an airfield when it’s my turn to use it.

I had a similar experience. Idiots tailgating at 80+ whilst on the brink of aquaplaning. There’s an overpass at Haydock where the water absolutely doesn’t drain, and my car went a bit floaty at about 60, but you could see some cars fishtailling whilst being right up the arse of the car in front, and with another prick right up there arse in turn. A daisychain of nobheads.


Be careful what you wish for.

It’s an absolutely huge lifestyle change and not for everyone. Although I love every second I spend here, a lot of people think it’s what they want but leave after one winter.

I’ve just walked back in from the workshop (aka the garage). It was raining and some of it fell on me. And it was dark. Very dark. So dark I trod on a snail. I am grossed out. And exhausted of course.



Why? The crunch-squish is exquisite. The only regret is that there’s one less gastropod to be roasted with garlic and herb butter.

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Looking forward to the simmer-dim-ish.

Just got myself on the Harper+… info list



Are you seriously looking for a property in Shetland?

On my way to Genoa for the weekend,
Plane trains automobile

Not really looked into it, apart from a few restaurants so anyone been and can tell me what’s worth seeing?

louise telling me how bad hospital food is and the shit stuff morphine does to you, and why do the night nursing team rabbit on about shit all night at the top of their voices…


They do nice cake,everything else is irrelevant


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Nowhere near big enough for abattoirists, provisions, alcohol and kit. This would be better…


It’s positive that she’s feeling up to complaining and able to face food.

Best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.

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Off to That London for Spiritualized tonight. I’m that full of anti nausea medication I’m floating. :crazy_face::crazy_face: What could possibly go wrong???


enjoy - at Hammersmith isn’t it? I saw poster for it last night as I was leaving St Mary’s in Paddington last night after visiting Louise

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Portofino is just up the road.

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