Today I have mainly been V3.0

I made a hog box the other day, just need to site it now.


Finishing that section of wall rebuilding. With 6 of us, we were done by 2pm.
The saggy string method of getting the line:

First capstone on:

and all finished:

Enjoyed it so much that I’ve signed up for another day next week.


Fair play again Dave. That is feckin’ superb.

That looks very fine indeed ! I hadn’t realised you were so close to the road. It will be doing a job where it is.


Not being a brickie I built mine from brick.

Photos won’t follow.

I hope you’ve decorated it with a suitable wallpaper and colour coordinated duvet.


I made it from plans on a Hedgehog rescue site, it will be covered in polythene and buried.


Today I will be mainly being hobbling to the chemist for a flu jab


FoL2 is 15 today. Pizza and cake for tea


Conversation with biffday Fol:
Remember that fat bloke who stayed over one night about 7 years back and broke your bed? Well, he says Happy Birthday! :laughing:


Hawaiian pizza a la @coco ?? :rofl: :rofl:


Guiding plumber guy through the rat’s nest of botches in my house.

He sounds suspiciously like he knows what he’s talking about :face_with_monocle:


unlike some of my colleagues, having proof read a 27 page (content free) review document…

That’s going to be capital-E-Expensive…

Still in rural Norfolk - it started raining heavily at midnight last night, timing its onset between me looking out of the door, and me getting the harnesses on the mutts and exiting said door.

Woke-up at 6AM to ongoing relentless rain and the unmistakable splat of Leak upon Carpet in bedroom…

Ornamental pitcher currently being forced to earn its living as rain continues to absolutely fucking sheet it down.

Britain’s Driest County? My arse - which is apparently cursed with some kind of indoor-rainmaker-when-on-holiday hex…


Err… that was last week :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I am a metropolitan elite and IDGAF. I mainly don’t want a temperamental negative head pump dangling from the garage ceiling.

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17 posts were split to a new topic: Latest upgrade issues

Didn’t go well,i wasn’t told you had to pay if you weren’t 65 Then its free after Novermber which no doubt by that time they will have run out

Told them to stick it,then went back to apologise.

Fucking fuming,hit the poor as per usual

It wasn’t expensive,but fuck them

Well thanks to you I decided to sign up for a flu jab this afternoon. I’m entitled to an NHS one, lucky me. Went online, my doctor isn’t doing them, phone the pharmacy.

Pharmacy 1: sorry, we’re waiting for a consulting room to be built.

Pharmacy 2: we don’t have stock, fuck you.

Pharmacy 3: we don’t have stock, fuck you.

Pharmacy 4: we don’t have stock, I can add you to a list but we might not actually get any and it’s a long list.

That wasted half an hour of my time, thanks for that.

Booked ours this morning. 17th of Nov.