Today I have mainly been V4.0 (Part 1)


wondering what this fucker is

Triceratops innit :+1:


I’m no expert, but that looks like a six-legged-death-watch-hyena


Speckled bush cricket. Looks like a female due to the curved ovipositor.

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Got a hilariously large and fat false widder living in the box part of a box sash window inside my bedroom. She eats the flies that dawdle-in when the window is left open during the day, but she’s a bag of nerves and shoots off to hide at the least disturbance. She has real trouble dragging her double-wide spider arse into her hiding place, which is oddly hilarious in such a miniature death-machine.

Immediately below, in the equivalent window in the listening room, is an equally rotund example. She DGAF and nothing bothers her, no fucks are given. Utterly different temperament, which is thought-provoking considering the supposed lack of intelligence of most inverts.


Also, fucking state of this dog, tho’. :laughing:

Fucking rubbish and broken.




Exactly. Leave bugs alone.

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“Peel me a grape, Beulah”


in the pub watching a fight

wasp wins


I once asked a beekeeper why the bees didn’t fight back when attacked by wasps. He pointed out that it would be like a cow trying to fight a lion. They just don’t have the weaponry, as apparently the little green chap didn’t.

it was totally dismembered by the wasp, who flew off holding the torso. The wasp only just managed to take off with the weight of the torso.

I’ve mentioned before an evening at an outdoor BBQ where we were trying to work out the maximum payload of wasps by feeding them larger and larger lumps of cooked salmon. It was surprising how much they could take off with.

We have a few large colonies of mining bees on our golf course.
Harmless but quite disconcerting to have a load of them buzzing around when you end uo in ‘their’ bunker!

Serves you right. Bunkers, pah :roll_eyes:

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Joining my wife on the drive to witness a ferret running about.
I was full of scorn when she told me it was a ferret. It was a ferret.
Seemed to want to come to us, but after some deliberation we left it to its own devices. I suspect it isn’t wild.

Tesla spotter stroke ferret club

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It was running over her feet and under the cars.

Spent some time speaking with Kevin at Definitive Audio, then a received a rare Invoice of him. All being well the week after next I will have some brand shiny second hand things delivered.