Today I have mainly been V4.0 (Part 1)

You are definitely taking a jimmy riddle behind that pile of sticks :grinning:

Hands-free! (actually, with our lovely boss Marta taking the photo I certainly wasn’t)

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Fuck, not surprised it got under your skin! That is terrible.

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Good stuff however you slice’n’dice it mate :+1:

We are starting to get proper mud down on the Thames valley floor even though the rain doesn’t seem to have been that bad. It doesn’t bode well for the rest of the winter. I reckon the state of my Slaughterhouse toe is down to a combination of my new insoles, which tilt my foot downward slightly, and having to dig my toes in on every downhill step on Saturday to avoid slipping and falling on my arse - this despite having cut myself quite a stout stick as a brace.


Ah, yes, that’s an extra dimension of grimness to the whole equation!

Have you never fancied one of those lightweight telescopic walking poles?

It seems to me that, broadly speaking, people can be divided into three categories:

  1. Cunts
  2. People who behave like cunts when
    a) they’re not with anyone they know, or
    b) they’re driving, or
    c) they think no-one’s looking
  3. Not cunts

I rather fear that group 3 are in a small & dwindling minority.

I know several otherwise quite decent people who, when behind the wheel, display a quite shocking disregard for the lives of others.


There are more than 36 flavors of cunt. Cunts can also come with toppings and of course dairy free.

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Occasionally. The nice thing about my part of the Thames Valley though (and this wasn’t true when, say, I was on the N Yorks Moors) is that there are sticks everywhere. I have a pair of secateurs in the pack (v useful for thick brambles) so if/when I need a stick I can just snip one off. I then (pointlessly) tend to carry it home, to sit alongside all the other sticks. Talk about a ‘single-use’ habit :roll_eyes:. Here is where we are so far this year

Saturday’s is third from the right. I chose it to take (I hoped) my full 85kg weight plus, say, 10kg of clobber, coming crashing down. I fear a hollow alloy tube might have buckled. My brother swears by them though, so maybe there’s something in them.


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If you get some, then get the “click-lock” type. They fasten tighter and so are less prone to collapsing when suddenly loaded. I speak from experience and bodyweight of more than 85kg!

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…up before dawn. I am knackered now… :tired_face: .

My car boot features a number of sticks that are: ’ too good to throw away’




Good enough for the Australian population … good enough for me.


Soon Bob will realize he has stumbled (Pun sort of dumped here) into an emerging market for walking sticks. Mpingo for the dedicated rambler who is firm of thigh. Lignum vitae for the man who loves his stick to double as a club that can be disposed of in the nearest canal. etc etc.

You’d get on well with my wife :roll_eyes:

Inhaling the fumes of solder boiler man is making


These popped up in our front garden the other morning.

Smelt promising so we tried cooking them with some scrambled eggs but they were a bit too strong & ‘shroomy’ to be enjoyable. Was hoping they were shaggy parasol type as we’ve eaten those before but these were much stronger tasting.