Cracking set of pics those Rob
A post was merged into an existing topic: Gigs I’m going to. The Gyroscope diaries
A post was merged into an existing topic: Maverick Hifi Enthusiasts Show, October 2024
A post was merged into an existing topic: Weight loss jabs
Today I’ve been eating too much fish, caught 5 rainbows yesterday and cooked a couple today, very tasty.
Haven’t been fly fishing for a few years, forgotten how much I enjoy it.
Thanks. Now I know that I’ve been at No.7 for the past two days
Doing more burglar alarm jenga.
Several more miles of wire, and a box in the main services shaft of the house that turned out to be a siren. I had always assumed that it was some sort of thermostat, due to its proximity to the boiler.
It feels good removing all these pointless accretions, although there are at least three redundant boxes that will need the sparks to remove, since I believe they’re still live.
It is regularly the answer to questions on Only Connect
2 to 6 most days, depending on fibre and chilli consumption
Do they answer the question as to why Bristol has the honour of the poop chart? I shall google.
ill that was quick, it was developed at the Bristol Royal Infirmary in 1997. It is accepted and used internationally.
Someone, somewhere, has that in their CV.
Bet that earned them a load of brownie points with their peers.
Browneye points?
This arrived today…
and is without a doubt one of the nicest guitars I’ve ever played.
Out of the box it’s by far the best money I’ve ever spent on anything musical (289 finest £) and also by far the best bargain in musical enjoyment available atm…even beats the WiiM Pro+ for value for money entertainment.
Knocks spots off the far more expensive guitars I own for less money than a tidal or Qobuz annual sub!
Obviously not in the league of @gthang creations & other custom builds, but OMG!
Not sure if I can share links here, but PM if your interested…
Sounds like you’re pretty chirped about it, so works for me too
Enjoy !
I’ve been shown that many times & invited to rate mine!..?
Day off today @BobC ?
In my workshop as we speak